Heidi Harris Show #164: #metoo women who falsely accuse are hurting all of us

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Although #metoo women have legitimate complaints in some cases, and I certainly have my LEGITIMATE story about it, (you can read about it on my blog at heidiharris.com), but the movement has damaged women in the workplace. Like any other movement, it started out as an outlet for genuine victims, and has since been hijacked by man haters and false accusers. Now many executives don’t want to mentor women for fear of being accused of something they can’t disprove. This not only hurts the women who want to succeed professionally, obviously, but the larger issue is that false accusers hurt genuine victims, who are now getting lost in the shuffle.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #163: Is minimalism becoming the new religion?

Lately I’ve been reading books and watching lots of videos about “minimalism”, and the freedom that comes from “decluttering”. I watch those videos for inspiration while I clean out closets and drawers. It’s always a good idea to move things out when they no longer fit you, or you will no longer use them, and I’ve been blessing people with tons of my stuff lately. Friends, thrift stores, you name it. I want it GONE.

But does minimalism really make you HAPPY? Not really. You might feel more organized, and I know I like the way my house looks better than it did 6 months ago, but did I find Happiness? Contentment? Uh, no….

I honestly think the minimalist movement is becoming the new religion for some people. “Downsize, toss, donate! You’ll find HAPPINESS!” Wow, is that all it takes?

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #162: Ralph Peters on his new book and fake news in the Civil War

Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters has penned another great book, “Darkness at Chancellorsville”. Ralph has won numerous awards for his writing, and he joined me to talk about the latest book, how “fake news” was prevalent even during the Civil War, and whether Lincoln or Trump had a tougher go as President.

Heidi Harris Show podcast #161: It’s okay for Evangelicals to support Trump. Really.

Yes, it’s okay to be a Trump supporter and not lose your testimony as an evangelical, as some have warned. I have been talking about this for two years, assuring people that a vote for Trump wasn’t a vote for adultery or undisciplined tweets. Rulers are always imperfect. That doesn’t mean they can’t be effective and make good decisions.

In a great column from Chris Buskirk, from American Greatness, he reminds us that all rulers are flawed. I still don’t understand the “Never Trumpers”. What WAS their plan??? Even someone they might admire would ultimately let them down, and THEN where would they be?

When you cannot accept the fact that a flawed person can do good, you are saying that a person with fewer flaws could do better. Really? Open the Bible, pick a chapter….plenty of flawed people were at times better rulers than other, more genteel people. Putting trust in a person you view to have more character is as flawed an argument a hating everything Trump does.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #159: Are some churches “welcoming” people by “affirming” sin?

Sure, all of us are sinners, and we all fall short. That’s why we needed a Savior. But some churches now call themselves “welcoming and affirming”. It’s one thing to “welcome” someone into a relationship with Christ, as He did to many during his lifetime, including the thief on the cross, whose sins were widely known. (Luke 23:40-43)

What Jesus didn’t do was tell the guy that anything he’d done in the past was fine by him. There are rules, there is sin, and we all commit them. For any church to “affirm” people by basically saying that any lifestyle is welcome is WRONG.

If you show up at church with your girlfriend when you’re married, is that okay? Not in my church. Should the church gossip get up and talk about everyone from the pulpit? Why not? The Bible calls many things “sin”, although most of them don’t involve sex, because God knows what will or will not make us happy and make society better. Treating the poor well, not cheating on your spouse, not screwing others over in business…just a few of the things God frowns upon. Oh yeah, and gay relationships aren’t okay, either.

God’s job isn’t to “make us happy”. He didn’t create us so we could do whatever we want to, and follow every lust. Our job is to make HIM happy. To deny ourselves (and our basic inclinations) and follow HIM is the goal. (Luke 9:23)

To tell people that any category of sin is fine is WRONG, and does a disservice to seekers of Christ. Pastors will be held accountable for misleading their flock.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #160: Common sense judge upholds gun rights in California

It’s rare to see common sense emanating from the bench these days, especially in California. However, in refusing to uphold the “high capacity magazine” ban in California, Judge Roger Benitez made some great points. The judge focused on the hundreds of thousands of victims of real crimes who need the ability to defend themselves, instead of focusing on the very rare mass shootings. The gun grabbers aren’t happy. Boo hoo.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #158: Press ignores trans aspect of suicide attempt

A young man’s post about the cost of attempted suicide went viral, but most press outlets ignore the fact that he’s a transgender. Their rates of suicide and suicide attempts are through the roof. While not knowing whether that was the cause of his attempt, we still need to consider it as a factor, and not conveniently “ignore” it because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #157: Mayor Pete and intolerance

“Mayor Pete” as he calls himself, wants to be our next President, but so far his qualifications are “I’m gay and I hate Mike Pence”. An attack on Mike Pence, who never says ANYTHING bad about anyone, is an attack on ALL Christians. Pete clearly has a problem with someone else’s BELIEFS, and that is scary.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #156: Interview with Steve Strang, author of “Trump Aftershock”

Steve Strang, CEO of Charisma Media, joined me for a chat about his latest book, “Trump Aftershock”. He’s also the author of “God and Donald Trump”. As the founder of Charisma Magazine, I wanted to get his perspective on why many Evangelicals still back Trump, why some don’t, and what impact a flawed person can have on our nation.