Heidi Harris Show Podcast #14: Can Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions really do anything to stop the marijuana industry?

Hasn’t that marijuana horse already left the barn? My guest, Luke Niforatos, from SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana), applauds Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to rescind the so called Cole Memo, and doesn’t think it’s too late to stop the green wave washing across the country.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #13: Bundy charges dismissed! Now what?

The Bundy Bunkerville Standoff Trials(s) in TWO states were a disaster and a waste of our tax dollars. The Federal prosecutors tried to make an example out of these people and failed miserably. The judge finally decided the prosecutorial mistakes were too egregious to continue.

I still don’t agree with their supporters’ tactics, but come on! You guys had your chance to put them away and you blew it. My guest, author and columnist John L. Smith, was IN the courtroom for the proceedings. He has some interesting nuggets about the case.

Heidi Harris Show podcast #12: Bannon v Trump

This whole battle between Steve Bannon and Trump is a dream for the lefties, and a nightmare for…Bannon. The left will love the new book Bannon contributed to, but frankly, I don’t have time for anyone’s book designed purely to bring someone down.

There’s plenty of blame to go around in the “opioid crisis”

Nevada AB 474 puts the majority of the blame for addiction on doctors. Sure, some prescribe too much, and they can be and have been punished, but the bottom line is PERSONAL responsibility. Regardless of the number of forms doctors have to fill out, for the people who like being “out of it”, nothing will help them other than their making a CHOICE to stop. Keep it up Nevada, and we’ll lose more doctors to other states.

How it’s looking for Dems in 2018

Dems are blaming Trump for everything, but the fact is, things are going better for him than anyone expected. In 2018 the Dems will have a tougher road than they had hoped.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #9: There’s never enough for those who think money solves all our problems.

People like State Sen. Tick Segerblom are back at the trough again, trying to squeeze more money out of us. Here’s a hint: Most of what’s wrong with education cannot be fixed with more money. And besides, I thought those taxes from legal pot were supposed to solve all our problems?

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #8: UK Spiritual leaders wonder why Evangelicals support Trump

Some so-called spiritual leaders wonder why Evangelicals can justify their support for President Trump. Apparently they thought Hillary was a better choice to protect  and defend our religious freedom in America?

Episode 7 – Spiritual abuse

Many people have been in churches that abuse people spiritually. Here are some ways to spot the warning signs and get yourself free!

Episode 6 – Guest: Thomas Mitchell

Millions of tax dollars have already been spent on this case, with very few convictions to show for it. Thomas Mitchell, former long time Editor of the Review Journal, joins me to discuss how this prosecution got botched. He’s been following it.

Episode 5 – Why can’t Trump get fair coverage?

No surprise that coverage of President Trump is overwhelmingly unfavorable. He’s not always right, but he’s not always WRONG. Is it worse than it ever was, or do we just have more ways to reveal the biases in the press? Guest: Dan Gainor, Media Research Center