Entries by Heidi Harris

#388 Focus on what God wants YOU to do

On this podcast, I have a few updates and some perspective for this political season, and info on something very cool I’m working on that you can be a part of. Please go to Heidiharrisshow.com and get on my email list, and I’ll give you all the information about it. It will be a live […]

#387 Preferential housing for LGBTQ+ seniors?

No one should get preferential treatment for who they sleep with. (Of course, when we’re talking about low-income seniors, who knows if they even HAVE a sex life anymore, but I digress….). A recent op-ed in the Las Vegas sun by a UNLV professor made the case that low-income housing should “prioritize” members of certain […]

#385 What’s wrong with Biden? Dr. Kelly Victory knows…

Dr. Kelly Victory was my guest in this episode. A board certified physician for over 30 years, she understands dementia and cognitive decline. She talked about what she believes Joe Biden has and explained what the symptoms are. Oddly, now we’re hearing about a Parkinson’s doctor visiting the White House numerous times. Dr. Kelly called […]