
Heidi Harris Show Podcast #245: Can a Biden Presidency benefit the church? Guest: Dr. Michael Brown

“Are we Jesus people or Trump people?” That’s the question Dr. Michael Brown asked on my show this week. Dr. Brown has been a Trump voter and Trump supporter, but never an apologist when he felt Trump was in error. But as a Christian first, he’s dismayed as I am by the cult-like following Trump has gained, especially among Christians, who should only be putting their trust in God, not people. In his latest column, he discusses how a Biden Presidency might actually benefit the church. Find him at .

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #170: Guest – Dr. Michael Brown on Jezebel’s influence on America today

Dr. Michael Brown is a favorite guest of mine. He’s Jewish by heritage, but a Believer in Christ. He’s columnist, radio host and speaker. His latest book, “Jezebel’s War With America” has a lot of great information on how the attitudes and evil attitudes that were at work with the Biblical Jezebel and alive and well today. We discussed the evangelicals who still can’t accept Trump as President, and how we can combat the “Jezebel spirit” in America!