Entries by Heidi Harris


Did you take a “guilt trip” over the holidays? I took several. Is it me, or has Christmas become one big list of expectations we feel we can’t possibly meet? We Christians know that this celebration of the birth of our Savior is what it’s really all about, and should continue to be about, but […]

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #188: “Journalist” wants to “reach” impeachment undecideds

This so-called journalist Margaret Sullivan penned an op-ed in the Washington Post, wherein she lamented the fact that “undecideds” aren’t being convinced about Trump’s corruption and inadequacy as a President, and therefore need to be “reached”. I thought their job was to report the facts and let people decide for themselves? Yeah, I know…

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #182: “Polyamory” should be respected as a psychological term?

“Polyamory”, which used to be called “sleeping with anyone” is now supposed to be considered a legitimate term or syndrome, or condition, or something, according to the American Psychological Association. They are bothered by the fact that many religions prohibit this behavior, and have actually created a task force to study “consensual non-monogamy”. I’m not […]