“Every Christian needs to understand that the individual’s calling is at the very heart of faith and that it is imperative that each Christian glorify God with his or her work. Charles Colson  

I became a Christian at age 21 when the guy I was dating literally dragged me to church. After being there for a few weeks, the teaching made sense and I believed in Christ as my Savior.  

I do find it amusing when people call Christians “narrow minded”, as if we’ve never heard anything but Christianity. I have heard the Unbelievers’ side and agreed with it until I discovered what I believe to be The Truth of God’s word. This isn’t meant to be a preachy book, and I’m certainly not trying to force anyone to see it my way. That’s impossible anyway. But here’s how faith affects MY life, my marriage and my career:  

I am fearless about my opinions when I believe they are based on Truth, and I don’t waiver when there’s blowback. The people I have admired over the course of history have never allowed public opinion to back them down. 

As a Christian my career has never been in the hands of any radio executives or treacherous co-workers. I’ve dealt with both and come out the other side every time. I never worry about whether or not I’ll have a job, because at least at this point in my life, this is clearly what God wants me to do. And when He closes those doors, I’ll do something else. 

My faith is a huge part of my marriage. I consider the choice of spouse to be, after Faith in Christ, THE most important decision you can make. Blow it, and your life will forever be affected. 

Luckily for me, I was a Christian long before I got married, and I chose WELL. I chose my husband because of his character and his love for God. He is the spiritual leader in our home, and believe it or not, even though I can fearlessly smack any politician around, I don’t boss my husband around. I don’t touch a thermostat without checking with him! Besides, he knew me years before I had a radio show, so he’s supportive but not star struck. I can go out in public and someone will say, “Look, there’s Heidi Harris!” I get home, and he says, “Isn’t it your turn to clean the dog poop out of the yard?” Yep, he keeps it real. I totally married up. It makes life easy….

….There are people who have no confidence in their own talent or God’s plan for their lives, so they believe the only way they can succeed is to try to destroy others. We’ve all dealt with them.  

I’m NOT comparing myself for one second to any great Believers, but all you have to do is open The Bible. Pick a page. You’re going to have trouble in this life. God never promised you otherwise. But what He gives you is the strength to get through it, learn something and come out stronger. What good is spiritual muscle if you never handle anything heavy? Their plans never succeed, but God’s plan for you always does. Shake it off and move on.

Not believing that God has it will make you very insecure, paranoid and ultimately treacherous. I know some people who can’t be happy if anyone else on the station or in the market is getting any attention. Nor can they be happy when someone in another market achieves success. They have to have all of it. I used to have a hound dog like that. I could give all of my dogs a chew treat, and Dixie could not relax unless she was the only one who had one.

Knowing that you will have as much as God wants you to have and understanding that it might not be all that you want will help you relax and enjoy your life and career much more. And you’ll probably have more friends… 

“Do not say, “I’ll do to them as they have done to me; I’ll pay them back for what they did.”

Proverbs 24:29


(Excerpt from “Don’t Pat Me on The Head; Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas Radio”. Available at

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