
#397 Civil unrest after the election? How to be prepared

Will we have civil unrest after the election? Some are predicting it. Certainly we hope they’re wrong, but in case they’re not, here are some tips from Sgt. Tom Page, Las Vegas police officer for 25 years. 

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Tom Page Bio:


Focusing on Executive Protection and volunteering with Dads in Schools

Since retirement from LVMPD: 

Director of Security, Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC), Las Vegas, NV

Director of Safety & Security, Neon Museum

Security Representative for the WNBA  (Las Vegas Aces)

Law Enforcement Coordinator, Clark County School District


Sergeant, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department/Special Events Section Sergeant/Problem Solving Unit (PSU) Sergeant/Bicycle Patrol Sergeant 

Mounted Unit SergeantTraffic Sergeant/Field Training Sergeant Patrol Sergeant

Police Academy Staff Officer/Traffic Officer/Field Training Officer/Patrol Officer

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Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas