
#398 Our spiritual problems won’t be solved by any politician

As we head into what may be one of the most important elections of my lifetime, we have to keep in mind that our problems are spiritual. I believe things are rough because we have turned away from God and we are calling evil good and good evil. When we turn away from God, we tend to tolerate things we shouldn’t. As a result, our culture rots. We need to make the best possible decisions when voting for people, but at the end of the day we have to turn our attention, focus, trust to God, not politicians, to turn this country around and turn the world around.


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The audio version of my book “Don’t Pat me on the Head!” is now available at!

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show (Spotify or anywhere you get podcasts) 


Instagram: Heidi Harris Show

Rumble: Heidi Harris Show (videos)

Youtube: Heidi Harris Show


Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

#397 Civil unrest after the election? How to be prepared

Will we have civil unrest after the election? Some are predicting it. Certainly we hope they’re wrong, but in case they’re not, here are some tips from Sgt. Tom Page, Las Vegas police officer for 25 years. 

Please like, subscribe, comment! 

Tom Page Bio:


Focusing on Executive Protection and volunteering with Dads in Schools

Since retirement from LVMPD: 

Director of Security, Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC), Las Vegas, NV

Director of Safety & Security, Neon Museum

Security Representative for the WNBA  (Las Vegas Aces)

Law Enforcement Coordinator, Clark County School District


Sergeant, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department/Special Events Section Sergeant/Problem Solving Unit (PSU) Sergeant/Bicycle Patrol Sergeant 

Mounted Unit SergeantTraffic Sergeant/Field Training Sergeant Patrol Sergeant

Police Academy Staff Officer/Traffic Officer/Field Training Officer/Patrol Officer

My podcast is now on Spotify! Just search “Heidi Harris Show” and check it out!

Get on my email list: Go to and click on “message the show”! 

The audio version of my book “Don’t Pat me on the Head!” is now available at!

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show (Spotify or anywhere you get podcasts) 


Instagram: Heidi Harris Show

Rumble: Heidi Harris Show (videos)

Youtube: Heidi Harris Show


Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

#393 Cancer in military tied to “gender care”?

Our military is spending tens of millions of dollars a year on psychotherapy surgery and pills to help people who want to “change sex “. Obviously this is never been the mission of the military and certainly shouldn’t be now. We are lying to these people and telling them everything will be OK if they just chop off certain body parts or take certain drugs. None of that would be my business if I were paying for. If you want 4 more years of this, vote Kamala in November.

Story in Daily Mail:

Bottom surgery info:

Weight gain on trans drugs:

The audio version of my book “Don’t Pat me on the Head!” is now available at!

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show


Instagram: Heidi Harris Show

Rumble: Heidi Harris Show (videos)


Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

#392 The importance of the evangelical vote

Christians must participate in the electoral process. We cannot sit it out because we don’t like the candidates. We only have human choices on the ballot, and we always have a better choice or a worse choice. We simply cannot sit home and not participate. We Christians are a huge force to be reckoned with and if we would only get together and let politicians know that we’ve had enough, it might actually make a difference. We have so much more power than we think.
At the end of the day you participate, you do all you can to make your community in your world better and leave the rest to God. God only expects you to do the best you can with what He gives you.

The audio version of my book “Don’t Pat me on the Head!” is now available at!
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Instagram: Heidi Harris Show
Rumble: Heidi Harris Show (videos)


Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

#390 The “Scared Majority” of voters could make the difference

Great column from Douglas McKinnon in The Hill, talking about the scared majority and how he thinks they’ll make the difference this November I sure hope he’s right.


The audio version of my book “Don’t Pat me on the Head!” is now available at!

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show


Instagram: Heidi Harris Show

Rumble: Heidi Harris Show (videos)


Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

#383 “The Polling Professor” on THAT debate and what’s next for Dems

Zac Moyle, “The Polling Professor”, joined me to discuss the fallout from the disastrous debate between President Trump and President Biden last week. Where do the Dems go from here? Many seem to want Biden to drop out, but will he? Should the GOP get comfortable or complacent? After all, five months is an eternity in politics. What do you think will happen in November? Leave me a comment.

Follow Zac: @PollingProf

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show


Instagram: Heidi Harris Show

Rumble: Heidi Harris Show (videos)


Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas