
#397 Civil unrest after the election? How to be prepared

Will we have civil unrest after the election? Some are predicting it. Certainly we hope they’re wrong, but in case they’re not, here are some tips from Sgt. Tom Page, Las Vegas police officer for 25 years. 

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Tom Page Bio:


Focusing on Executive Protection and volunteering with Dads in Schools

Since retirement from LVMPD: 

Director of Security, Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC), Las Vegas, NV

Director of Safety & Security, Neon Museum

Security Representative for the WNBA  (Las Vegas Aces)

Law Enforcement Coordinator, Clark County School District


Sergeant, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department/Special Events Section Sergeant/Problem Solving Unit (PSU) Sergeant/Bicycle Patrol Sergeant 

Mounted Unit SergeantTraffic Sergeant/Field Training Sergeant Patrol Sergeant

Police Academy Staff Officer/Traffic Officer/Field Training Officer/Patrol Officer

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Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

#396 “Not Going Back” to WHAT??

I keep seeing and hearing people talking about “not going back”, especially postmenopausal women who are no danger of getting pregnant. I’m dying to know what it is they’re afraid to go back to. Lower gas prices? Housing you can afford? Groceries you can afford? I’m mystified. They are allowing their hatred of Trump to overshadow their own self-interests, or maybe it’s because they’re not really affected by Biden policies like we peasants are.


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Rumble: Heidi Harris Show (videos)


Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

#394 Tips for not losing your mind during election season

A recent story in the Review Journal (Nevada’s largest newspaper), featured “exerts” with advice on how to stay positive during election season. I have some better ideas….


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Rumble: Heidi Harris Show (videos)


Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

Headlines with Heidi! Many in GOP calling for Trump to step aside

Video HERE. As we head into 2024, many in the GOP, even those who supported Trump and appreciate what he tried to do for America, are calling for him to step aside and not become a distraction in 2024.

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Rumble: Headlines with Heidi

Dr. Michael Brown reminds us that Trump was never our Savior

In his most recent column, Dr. Brown makes great points as always. I know far too many people who have treated Trump like the Messiah for four years. He never was. He did some great things, and some not so great things. What he DID was far more important than what he tweeted or said, by the way, and far more impactful for our nation and our world. Some of his decisions will benefit us for generations to come.
Some people got distracted or discouraged by Trump’s personality. That’s too bad, because you often have to look past that in people. For example, many people, like some politicians and spiritual leaders, are icky sweet in person and turn on the charm, but behind the scenes they’re doing great evil.
I don’t believe Trump did anything he didn’t think would benefit America. Sometimes his approach has been less than diplomatic, to be sure, but I do think he honestly tried to do what was best for AMERICA. The entrenched interests on both sides fought him tooth and nail. They never wanted someone to ask questions or upset their apple cart. They liked the “old way of doing business”, which of course, was doing NOTHING.
We know there was election fraud, and there’s a certain amount in every election, and I’m still hoping that Trump can win this fairly.
But if Biden wins this unfairly, we are commanded to go on with our lives like God’s people have in every generation, regardless of who’s in charge. And remember that only God, not politicians, can save us.
“Put not your trust in princes…who cannot save” Psalm 146:3