
Heidi Harris Show Podcast #69: Parents, the First Line of Defense in Ending Gun Violence

Once again, there are more calls for gun control in light of the latest school shooting, but where are the PARENTS? In the Santa Fe Texas shooting, the kid killed a girl and other because he was romantically REJECTED? She publicly told him off? Sounds like he pestered her so much he was asking for it. Gee, how many other boys were rejected and moved ON with their lives? And once again, police are able to find out things about how a shooter was thinking that parents didn’t know (or want to know). FAMILIES are the first line of defense against anything.

If you allow your kid to have a computer in his or her room, shame on you. You need to be IN your kids’ business, before they become society’s problem.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #31: Banning Gun Accessories Solves Nothing

When will we learn? Parents have destroyed families in America, don’t pay attention to what their kids have in their ROOMS, yet we blame gun accessories? Your kid has an arsenal in his room that you’re unaware of, and it’s TRUMP’S fault?

The Trump “ban” on gun accessories will not be implemented, because it’s too vague, and even if it were, it would solve NOTHING. Nor will it garner the GOP any extra votes in the next election.

These Florida kids whining about gun control need a history lesson on what happens to people when only government has guns. The major missing link is that teach kids that they aren’t created for a purpose, so who cares what they do? We only invite God to the party AFTER the shootings. We are completely missing the point.