
Headlines with Heidi! 5/25/22 Texas school massacre, and the breakdown of families

Another disaffected loser takes his frustrations out on innocent people, and now the lefties are calling for more gun laws. No one talks about the family breakdown we see everywhere, mental illness, or anything else that would be actually take WORK to solve. Once again, we go for the easy answers. Just grab the guns and ignore what else is happening.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #95: Florida Shooter won’t be charged and Shooting in a Mormon Church

There was a shooting in a Mormon Church in Fallon, a hostage situation in Trader Joes, and a mass shooting in Toronto just over the weekend. And a Florida man was killed over a parking space, but the shooter won’t be charged. People are getting ruder, and more likely to grab a gun before they have a conversation these days.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #94: A Restraining Order is Just a Piece of Paper

A local woman killed her husband in the backyard yesterday, and early reports are that she had a retraining order on him. All of the facts aren’t out yet, but any women who’s been threatened or stalked should protect herself with a GUN. A piece of paper means nothing.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #45 – Stormy Daniels and March for Our Lives

Do we really care if this stripper had an affair with Trump? At this point, most people don’t. I’m not defending cheating, because I think it’s shameful, but honestly, no one who supports Trump will care, and she’s as guilty as he is.

The March for Our Lives was held over the weekend, and as usual, the kids missed what actually could make a difference. Violent video games, no dads in the home, a lack of objective parents who report kids with mental issues and bullying in schools are far more responsible than any guns. Remember that most of these kids who shoot up schools have been treated badly by other kids at school, and this is their revenge.