
Heidi Harris Show Podcast #208: Don’t give social media haters power over your psyche

As a radio host, I get trashed by people a lot, and of course I can take it. It comes with the territory. But if you find yourself getting depressed or feeling like you’re constantly under attack or obligated to respond to every hater, you can step away, you know. From friends, family, strangers…you don’t have to engage them. You can block, ignore, unfollow, whatever it is. You don’t OWE them your time, or space in your head. Think of the people you truly admire and ask yourself what THEY are doing. They’re probably not attacking others on social media. You’ll find that if you take that approach, you’ll feel much better.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #43: Wimpy Sponsor Acquiesced to Haters

So the haters got one of my book signings cancelled because the business owner, who lambasted my former employer for firing me, “Where’s the right to free speech, man?” has now buckled under pressure from haters who can’t stand the thought that I could sell my book at his restaurant.

This is how our culture rots, people. A small group of haters who strike fear in the hearts of wimpy people. Tyranny of the very small minority.

Hundreds of people have commented on my Heidi Harris Show Facebook page that they will never go BACK, or never go IN to that restaurant. So for the whiny FEW, he lost HUNDREDS of customers. Hope it was worth it.

I have several others planned, and many additional business owners have stepped up and offered to host book signings. Stay tuned to for updates on times and dates. Here are a few of them:

March 24: Airstream Las Vegas 11 AM- 1 PM

April 5: Vegas Does Business luncheon at Gordon Biersch lunch 11:30 AM – 1 PM

April 7: Avery’s Coffee, in Village Square 9 AM – 11 AM