
#401 Interview: “Dead Name” documentary producer Taylor Reece

“Dead Name” is a documentary recently produced by Taylor Reece. It documents the real-life struggles parents have when dealing with children who are lead to believe by others, sometimes teachers, parents, or online peers, that they were born “the wrong sex” and that somehow surgeries or medications are the remedy for anything that ails them. 

This isn’t a Left or Right issue, it’s a RIGHT or WRONG issue and we need to put a stop to this. 

See the film:

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Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

#395 Biden admin demanding that foster homes be “affirming”

The Biden ministration has gone far beyond encouraging children to be affirmed and changing sex. Now health and human services are requiring foster homes to be “”affirming” to children who are struggling with their sexual identity.

And before you think that these are children who are already struggling with their identity, and therefore wound up in the foster care system, that’s not at all true. They interview very young children about their sexuality, ask them leading questions designed to confuse them, and then funnel them into “affirming” foster homes. It’s evil it’s wrong, and it will continue under a Kamala Harris administration.. There’s currently been a lawsuit filed by parents in Maryland against the Children’s Hospital that forced them to affirm their child and to remove the passages from their Bibles that disagreed with the transgender agenda. I’m not making that up. I wish I were.

Here’s the lawsuit if you’re interested.

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Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Cocktail Waitress Wisdom; Life Lessons Learned While Carrying a Tray in Las Vegas

#334 Courageous Christian School administrator won’t change sex policies to reflect culture

A courageous Florida Christian school administrator is holding fast to what the Bible says about sexuality in its school policies, and some of those who claim to be “tolerant” are having the predictable hissy fit. He’s even had threats against his life, all for maintaining Biblical standards. 


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trans people are being sold a bill of goods. so is the rest of society

This man is one of many trans people who’ve spoken out about the fact that being “non-binary”, or trans” or anything other than what they were born has not granted them serenity. I don’t care what you have under your clothes; frankly it’s none of my business, but we are lying to people when we tell them that adding or removing some body part will solve all their psychological problems. This man attests to that.

I don’t wish this man or anyone else who is struggling with feeling comfortable in their own skin any ill. I just wish we’d stop LYING to them about where psychological peace is found. And we should never allow a CHILD to make life irreversible, altering decisions about hormones.

Sure, give money to clinics that turn children into medical eunuchs. Why not?

I harbor no ill will toward any adult who wants to add or subtract a body part or take hormones. That’s a choice they should be free to make, although extensive research has proven they’re not happier after surgery. Suicide rates are higher among transgenders, etc. That being said, it is EVIL to allow children, who cannot consent to anything else, to become medical eunuchs. Regardless of how you feel about it, government shouldn’t be paying for ANY of this. But that’s California – what do you expect?

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #167: If you refuse to date transgenders, are you “dehumanizing” them?

Transgendered people have a suicide rate 25 times higher than the general public, (41%) and now we have an “expert” claiming that when straight people don’t want to date them it’s “dehumanizing”, and may be contributing to their unhappiness. Now trans people have a “right” to companionship? The rest of us are responsible for their health and wellbeing?

I think we all know that if you want a partner, you need to make yourself as desirable and attractive as possible. People make choices, people have varying tastes, and they’re not “(fill in the blank) phobic” because they do.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #158: Press ignores trans aspect of suicide attempt

A young man’s post about the cost of attempted suicide went viral, but most press outlets ignore the fact that he’s a transgender. Their rates of suicide and suicide attempts are through the roof. While not knowing whether that was the cause of his attempt, we still need to consider it as a factor, and not conveniently “ignore” it because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #32 – CCSD Gender Diversity Meeting

I attended the CCSD School Board Trustees meeting last night, where they were trying to push the “Gender Diversity” plan which among other things, would allow Planned Parenthood to teach Sex Ed!

Ultimately the item was shelved, because they were in violation of Open Meeting laws. But they aren’t giving up, and this plan does nothing to help kids and costs US money. Idiots!

Heidi Harris Show Podcast #30 – Gutless Christians Need to Stand Up!

A JUDGE in Ohio has taken a child away from her parents because they refuse to give her LIFE ALTERING hormones to cure her “gender dysphoria”. It’s complete insanity, especially since MOST people who have those treatments live to regret it. The parents want her to have counseling, to address the root causes of her unhappiness, but the grandparents want to allow her to make these PERMANENT decisions at 17 because she’s threatening suicide. So she’s troubled AND manipulative? Wait ’till she loses her ability have kids. This is terrible violation of parental rights.

I wonder if that same judge would have given her grandparents custody if her parents had refused to buy her a GUN?

The culture war is being lost NOT because there’s evil in the world; there’s always been evil. The reason it’s going downhill so fast is because Christians are losing their spines and ceding more and more ground.