#378 Sports teams supporting “gay pride” are suffering backlash

When those of us who love sports tune in, we look to those moments as an escape from politics and agendas, but we are hit over the head with everyone’s grievances, time and again. Many people have given up watching sports entirely for that reason.

Every June, sports teams feel like they have to mention something about gay pride, when in reality, sports are the least equitable organizations. If you can’t play, you don’t get in. How “exclusive” can you be?

Las Vegas Review Journal sportswriter Adam Hill had a column this week about the backlash some sports teams received when they posted about “pride month”. He’s a great writer and did a fantastic job covering the Superbowl, but I had to comment on this particular column. I can tell you all about backlash from the “tolerant” side of the aisle – I’ve LIVED it.

Here’s Adam’s column: https://www.reviewjournal.com/post/3060903




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