Don’t Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Book Cover: Don't Pat me on the Head! Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas radio

Ever been kicked around in your profession or in life? Told you had no talent? Had people try to undermine you? Yep. Me, too. This is a book that was requested by many people for years. If you're a talk radio fan, you'll love this book. Even if you're not, you'll appreciate the common sense tips for getting through the tough times we all face.

I also address how to be a radio guest, how to be a great caller, interviewing tips, etc. Even if you have no idea who I am, you'll get something out of this book. A few laughs, some behind the scenes insight, and most of all, some encouragement.


"...I’ll never forget the day, about eight weeks into my one-year contract, when I realized it was O-V-E-R. I was driving in the middle of nowhere, and the New Boss called. Among other things, he said, “And if the (newly added) boys are talking, don’t feel like you have to interrupt.” WHAT??? This was supposed to be MY show! Now my participation is considered an “interruption”? I realized it was OVER and I had a lot of months left on my contract…."

(Excerpt from “Don’t Pat Me On The Head; Blowback, Setbacks and Comebacks in Vegas Radio.”)  Available at

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