Today’s the day! My new weekly show on 97.1 FM Talk in St. Louis begins! 5-7 PM Vegas time, or 7-9 PM STL time. Listen live HERE from anywhere. I’ll also be going LIVE on The Heidi Harris Show Facebook page. See you then!

Now National Review has surrendered regarding the jab! Who’s left?

I’m tired of condescending columnists telling me I have no “choices” in life other than to do what government tells me, “for the common good”, regardless of whether it makes any medical sense. I have come to expect this from CNN, Newsweek, MSNBC, USA Today, etc. But this writer is from NATIONAL REVIEW!

“Get vaccinated, you f***ing dopes……I do not favor a vaccine mandate enforced at the points of federal bayonets. But I do favor making life inconvenient and restricted for those who, out of misplaced political outrage and civic immaturity, refuse to do their part in what should be a reasonably straightforward national effort.”

Nevada’s Clown-in-Chief, Governor Sisolak, has issued Directive 49!

NOW he’s allowing large venues to allow vaxxed people to not wear masks. Never mind that the last Directive he issued forced County employees and employees of other businesses to have to wear masks again, even if they’re vaxxed. Complete clown show. This new Directive is all abuot the Raiders. And it was never about science. I’d be pretty pissed off if I worked for the County.  http://

Are YOU a “Christian Chihuahua”?

Speaking for myself, I know I’m guilty of this. My friend J Warner Wallace, a former Cold Case homicide detective, has a great site, Cold Case Christianity, and several terrific books you need to check out. Here, he talks about being an online “Christian Chihuahua”. Great analogy. Very convicting.

Guest: Dr. Kelly Victory with #FactsNotFear about Covid, vaccine lies and complicit doctors (video)

Dr. Kelly Victory was kind enough to join me on video this time! @DrKellyvictory. Most platforms kick her off, so I posted this one on Rumble.

Vegas business owner explains how her business was destroyed through Covid lockdowns (video)

Emily Palmer owned a bakery in Vegas until Governor Sisolak shut everything down. Small businesses are already fragile, but hers was thriving….until last year. Last week, she told the County Commissioners off at their “emergency meeting” about “Delta”. Some applauded her, and some have trashed her, but she speaks boldly for MANY. She told me her story. 

A local Property Manager speaks out about the Eviction Moratorium (video)

I spoke with a local property manager, Danielle Gallant, owner of Guardian Realty, about the real costs to society, landlords, and the housing supply caused by the Eviction Moratorium declared by the CDC and extended by various Governors, including ours in Nevada. Who wants to bet they’ll extend it again? Because, you know…Delta.

As they try to put us in masks again…here are some FACTS.

As officials want to give the impression they’re “doing something” against the “Delta Variant” by forcing us back into masks (or trying to), here are some FACTS presented by an epidemiologist.