Evangelical meeting turned to Trump bashing. Not very helpful, Brethren.

Recently a meeting of evangelical “leaders” got nasty when it degenerated into Trump bashing, causing many to walk out.

Christians cannot and should not make excuses for anyone’s moral failures, including our own, or those of our President. But we also should respect the office. Yes, we should always hold our elected officials accountable, and thank God we live in a country where that’s even possible. 

I have to ask those self-righteous “leaders” who complain about Trump’s failures: What was your plan? Stay home and get HILLARY elected? Those were your choices, kids. Jesus wasn’t on the ballot. 

“How could any evangelical vote for him….?” I’ve heard that argument over and over. Once again, it was HIM or HER. There were other (also flawed) people running, but they didn’t get the nomination. And how many sins have YOU “leaders” committed, hmm? 

As I have stated in the past, Trump’s moral failures become our business when they could lead to blackmail, or when they become a distraction to what he’s trying to accomplish for America. 

Yes, he’s narcissistic and shallow, like most of our leaders have been.  Those are qualities shared by nearly every boss you’ve ever had, but that doesn’t mean there’s no value to what they say or do. 

I honestly think Trump never expected to win, but I also believe he’s trying to do what he believes will make our country better. He has done things that will have lasting impact on our nation, flawed or not. And if all he accomplishes during his time as President is to put a speed bump in the Dems’ schemes, that’s more than enough for me. 

We follow God, not public officials. Christians have a duty to live their lives according to GOD’S plan, regardless of who’s in charge. Read the Old Testament. How many bad kings “…did evil in the sight of the Lord…”? I lost count. Yet the people were expected to follow God’s plan, not man’s. 

What about the New Testament, when evil rulers like Nero were in full swing? Did the Apostle Paul say, “You really need to protest Nero, he’s morally bankrupt…” NO. He called for Christian UNITY, which has never been related to any rulers. 

Those so-called evangelical leaders had better remember that we are to lead our lives according to God’s plan, not man’s. We will have good rulers and bad, but our responsibility is to God. And thanks to our Founding Fathers we have a pretty good system in place that prevents the bad rulers from doing too much damage.

Romans 13:1 “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” 

Squabbling among the brethren is what The Enemy wants. He wants to sow discord, because that’s how he makes headway. We need to stay focused on God, not ANY politician. We must pray for our leaders, that they would take good decisions, but we must always remember that God put them there, and His plan is not affected by them. 

Psalm 146:3 “Do not put your trust in Princes…”

Heidi Harris

2 replies
  1. Pat Dumalski says:

    Well stated Heidi! This is a good example of how to state your beliefs and remind fellow conservatives how to do the same. We very rarely have opportunity to elect ‘perfect’ candidates…we are all flawed in one way or another. But Hillary is not our President…Amen


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