#350 “Baby Will” medically kidnapped in New Zealand

Baby Will is a baby in New Zealand who needs heart surgery, and his parents are asking that he receive blood from an unvaxxed person. That is easy to accomplish, yet New Zealand has TAKEN this baby from his parents, in order to do the heart surgery, and getting blood from who-knows-who. Outrageous. Astounding that it’s happening in this day and age. They won’t get away with this. Now or later, the’ll face the music.

Here’s the video: https://rumble.com/v1znqv6-baby-w-our-baby-has-just-been-medically-kidnapped.html

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Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show

Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow 

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Rumble: Headlines with Heidi 


#349 SCOTUS website case

A Colorado web designer doesn’t want to do sites for gay weddings, although she’ll do other sites for gay people, unrelated to marriage. It’s looking like the Court may allow for her freedom of expression, and more importantly, freedom of conscience. We all need to have the ability to choose which ideas, products, or people we promote. If we lose that….

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Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show

Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow 

GETTR: @HeidiHarris

Rumble: Headlines with Heidi 


#348 GOP pols who upheld family values did well in November

The MSM would have you believe otherwise, but the GOP politicos who stood for family rights and traditional families did very well on election day. LifeSiteNews.com has done a great analysis on this.


Sponsor: Jesusdoll.com, discount code: “Heidi”

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show

Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow 

GETTR: @HeidiHarris

Rumble: Headlines with Heidi 


#347: Mom has to deprogram “woke” daughter after college

A wealthy mom had to spend $300 a day to hire a deprogrammer to fix her “woke” daughter who was indoctrinated at college to feel like a victim, hate men, especially white men, and turn her back on her family and their values. Good thing she had the resources to do it!




Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show

Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow 

GETTR: @HeidiHarris

Rumble: Headlines with Heidi 


#346 We can VOTE, yet we still choose tyranny??

Election 2022 taught us that we have far too many people in America who choose to vote for tyranny. I can’t understand it. Historians cite eight stages of national decline nations typically go through, and I mention them in this podcast. Where do you think we are?

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: Headlines with Heidi

#345 Guest: Dr. Kelly Victory, MD on what we’re finding out about Covid shots

Dr. Kelly Victory, one of the early Covid heroes ad truth tellers, joined me again for an update on what we’re seeing all around us. Deaths, side-effects, the jab now being recommended for CHILDREN, etc.
Her bio: Dr. Kelly Victory is a residency-trained trauma and emergency  specialist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She is an expert  in disaster preparedness and response and medical management of mass  casualties. Dr. Victory is an alumnus of the National Preparedness  Leadership Initiative by the Harvard School of Public Health and the  Kennedy School of Government to develop “meta-leaders” for national  disaster preparedness and response, and served as a member of the  Leadership Council at Harvard School of Public Health for many years.  Dr. Victory has worked with a range of public and private organizations  including companies, hospitals, schools, churches and municipalities on  public health issues including disaster and pandemic preparedness and  response.
Dr. Victory teaches “Active Shooter Rapid Response and Extraction”  and “Leadership in Times of Crisis” for first responders, community  leaders and organizations, aimed at limiting casualties, improving  outcomes, enhancing resiliency and coordinating emergency response  efforts. Dr. Victory has been a consistent and vocal proponent of  aggressive early outpatient treatment for COVID-19, as well as a  cautious and informed, risk-based approach to COVID vaccination. She makes frequent radio and television appearances to discuss issues of  public health, disasters, and preparedness and response efforts, and has  been the daily voice of “The Doctor Hour” on KABC in Los Angeles  throughout the pandemic. Dr. Victory holds a BS from Duke University,  earned her MD from the University of North Carolina and completed her  residency in Emergency Medicine and Trauma at Carolinas Medical Center.

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show

Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow 

GETTR: @HeidiHarris

Rumble: Headlines with Heidi 


#344 “Pandemic Amnesty”?? Nah….

Emily Oster, writing in The Atlantic, is calling for Pandemic Amnesty for anyone who made “complicated choices”, based on “lack of knowledge” to whatever other excuse they want to use for their behavior during the pandemic. I’m not ready to forgive the virtue signaling, lockdowns, and the damage done to children, elderly and society in general, under the guise of “protecting us”.

I’m not ready to let the monsters who created this poison dart off the hook. I’m not ready to forgive people who yelled at me for not wearing a mask, or the flight attendant who yelled at me for allowing my mask to slip off my nose wile I was wrestling with my carry-on baggage. Never mind the fact that I’d remove it during “snack time”. Nope, not ready.

The response to her column has been intense, all over the internet, even from libs who agreed with the lockdowns at the time. Many of THEM are vaxxed and injured. We the unvaxxed won’t forget, since we were blamed for the Covid spread, nor will the people who were coerced into getting shots that have caused them major medial issues or killed someone they love. They’d love to forget, but they can’t. Pfizer won’t let them.


Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show

Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow 

GETTR: @HeidiHarris

Rumble: Headlines with Heidi 




#343 Guest, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty on “The New Abnormal”

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, MD joined me for a chat about his new book, “The New Abnormal”.

He was one of my early Covid heroes standing up against vaccine mandates for all college kids at the college where he was employed as an ethics professor for 15 years.

AARON KHERIATY, MD is a psychiatrist, and the director of the program in Bioethics and
American Democracy at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC, and the director
of the Health and Human Flourishing program at the Zephyr Institute in Palo Alto, California.
He taught psychiatry previously at the UCI School of Medicine where he was the director of the
Medical Ethics Program at UCI Health, and the chairman of the ethics committee at the
California Department of State Hospitals. Dr. Kheriaty’s work has appeared in the Wall Street
Journal, Washington Post, New Atlantis, Arc Digital, Public Discourse, City Journal, and First
Things. He blogs at AaronKheriaty.Substack.com.


Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show

Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow 

GETTR: @HeidiHarris

Rumble: Headlines with Heidi 





#342 Guest, vaccine injured Heather Elkins

Heather Elkins was an employee of the State of Oregon who was forced to get the Covid shot to keep her job. Even though she had been an at-home employee. She was not able to get a medical exemption from her doctor or her employer even though she had a previous heart condition. Her union, SEIU was no help ether. She started having problems after the first shot, and was very concerned about taking the second, but wasn’t considered “fully vaccinated” until sh got it. He problems were amplified with the second shot. She is now no longer able to work. She shared her story with me.

Her story.



Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis

Podcast: Heidi Harris Show

Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow

GETTR: @HeidiHarris

Rumble: Headlines with Heidi