Nothing to See Here

Alex Berenson: Why you can’t trust US Covid data

Alex Berenson, former  NYT Writer, was banned from Twitter for asking legitimate questions about Covid. He’s still writing other places. I’m posting this here in case Facebook takes it down from my Heidi Harris Show page.

CDC has no record of Covid-recovered people spreading Covid. That’s weird.

Tell this to your scaredy-cat family, who won’t have you at their Thanksgiving table. Apparently the CDC has no record of anyone who is Covid-recovered (like me), and unvaxxed, catching Covid later and spreading it to others.

Weird, huh? Who’d ever think someone with natural immunity would be infectious? After all, this has never been the case throughout medical history. You catch something, and if you survive it, your body has some protection against it for the future.

If that weren’t true, humanity would have died out a few thousand years ago. Do you think the vax zealots will believe this? They’d rather believe that their choice to get the jab was the right one, so they’re digging their heels in, going down with the vax ship.

And how about those daycare proponents who used to tell you it was a good idea for your kid to get all those runny noses. “Builds up immunity”, they (used to) say! Lies, lies, lies…..when will people stop believing them??

My newest project: “Headlines with Heidi!”

Looking for my snarky take on the news in the morning? Many of you have missed me on local Vegas radio, (I get your emails and FB comments about it), and although I don’t miss doing a daily three-hour show, I do have some opinions on the daily news that my poor husband has to hear each morning. So I thought I’d share those with YOU.

Every weekday, I’ll sit at my kitchen counter and chat about some headlines, giving you my snarky take and including YOUR comments on the news, too! And of course I’m still doing my Snday night show in St. Louis each week 5-7 PM Vegas time, 7-9 PM STL time.You can catch them live on Facebook, The Heidi Harris Show” page, or find them on You-tube Heidi Harris Show page. 

Why isn’t anyone talking about Sweden (and Covid)?

Isn’t it fun to see the libs go crazy when a country (whose Covid rates are dropping), doesn’t go along with the company line?

Here’s a chart of the dropping rates of Covid in Sweden:

Here are the Swedish guidelines for Covid. No masks.

From the Lancet: “(Sweden) has maintained an approach that mainly builds on recommendations to take voluntary actions, guided (in our view) more by public opinion than by sound public health policy.

Oh, NO!! How DARE they give their people freedom and allow for personal responsibility? The “public health cabal” were losing their minds over it. That was in April. Sweden now ranks #40 in the world in Covid numbers. And most people who have Covid don’t get really sick, or die.

Here’s a great column from Substack, authored by several people, complete with graphs to prove that what Israel has done has been disastrous, while Sweden is looking pretty good.

Of course many other countries don’t have accurate reporting, or they do things like give their people cheap and available cures. We don’t do that in the U.S. Our doctors mostly just send you home, (or tell you not to come in if you’ve had a positive test), give you nothing, and tell you to come back if you can’t breathe. Then you go on a vent, and you die. And the hospital gets Covid bonus money.

Many doctors say (not me – DOCTORS) say that the “vaccine” was designed to combat the initial Sars-CoV-2 virus and not to do much to prevent infection with any of the variants. We know that the “vaccine” doesn’t prevent anyone whose had it from spreading or catching Covid, so what is the point again? Oh, yeah, POWER and CONTROL.

Heidi Harris

Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization – the mother of all rulings

Frank Schubert, political consultant and contributor to the National Organization for Marriage and the International Organization for Families, penned a great series of three articles on the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade and the political landscape, threats, intimidation and vitriol that will surround the decision. He has great insight and joined me on my podcast #300 to discuss them. Worth your time. Regardless of how you view abortion, there is not doubt we have coarsened our nation’s souls through our lack of respect for life, on either end of the spectrum.

Part one, Part two, Part three

Smallpox vaxx versus Covid – similarities and differences

The next time someone tries to equate smallpox or other vaccines to this unproven MRNA vaccine, share this info with them.

From WHO:

“The history of smallpox holds a unique place in medicine. It was one of the deadliest diseases known to humans, and to date (2016) the only human disease to have been eradicated by vaccination. The smallpox vaccine, introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796, was the first successful vaccine to be developed. He observed that milkmaids who previously had caught cowpox did not catch smallpox and showed that inoculated vaccinia protected against inoculated variola virus.

The global eradication effort initially used a strategy of mass vaccination campaigns to achieve 80% vaccine coverage in each country, and thereafter by case-finding, followed by ring vaccination of all known and possible contacts to seal off the outbreak from the rest of the population.”

Between the people who’ve been vaxxed and those who’ve recovered from Covid, we’re clearly at 80% or higher. Yet they still aren’t satisfied.

“…In 1961 the bifurcated needle was developed as a more efficient and cost effective alternative, and was the primary instrument used during the eradication campaign from 1966 to 1977. The bifurcated needle vaccination required only one-fourth the amount of vaccine needed with previous methods and was simpler to perform.”

Will that be the case with these so-called “boosters”? Have you heard anything about needing LESS vaccine in those? How many will you need? One every six months? How much money to do they all need? Is there ever a limit to greed?

From wikipedia: “Cowpox is similar to, but much milder than, the highly contagious and often deadly smallpox disease. Its close resemblance to the mild form of smallpox and the observation that dairy farmers were immune to smallpox inspired the modern smallpox vaccine, created and administered by English physician Edward Jenner.”

So they were immune to the more deadly form of Smallpox after having survived Cowpox? Makes sense to me, and it makes medical sense. Think about it – If your body didn’t create a natural resistance to something once you’d had it and recovered, humanity wouldn’t have survived. You’d get the flu every year, and every cold that is going around. Since Adam and Eve’s kids had runny noses this has been the case.

I’m not giving anyone medical advice. I’m not qualified. But this makes SENSE. Many people who ARE qualified are saying this, but they are mostly being censored.

We, the unvaxxed, are being unfairly blamed.

According to Dr. Marty Makary, we pose very little risk to others.

Doctors are now suing because the institutions that employ them are not acknowledging the immunity they have earned.

Even if I weren’t Covid-recovered, I would probably not trust this vaccine, but the fact that I had it and fought through it, earning my immunity the old-fashioned way, and they STILL want me to get the jab? That’s an easy NO.

Heidi Harris

What the pandemic reveals about neglected areas of your life

This pandemic and the shutdowns and isolation resulting from it has been so hard on so many people, financially, socially, spiritually. Tough times remind us that we need to take care of things BEFORE disaster strikes. 

When times are good, and we’re busy chasing money or success, many areas of our lives just flow along, and we might not notice the cracks in the foundation. But when the storm comes, suddenly we become aware of things we should have shored up. Some of the major areas of our lives that will really suffer, or be revealed by a crisis, are the following:


If you’re in a bad marriage, either because you made a poor choice, or chose a good person but didn’t bother to maintain a healthy marriage, you’re in trouble this year. I cannot imagine being stuck with someone all day, every day, when the situation is tense, or even violent. If you can get some counseling, please do. Or if you need to get OUT, because your physical health is threatened, please find a way. Reach out to friends or family. 

If you’re not married and you’d like to be, this is a really tough time. Dating is practically out, and how much fun is going places to meet people in masks? Plenty of single people lead meaningful lives, but it’s good to have someone to share the good and bad times with. Those who were living in the moment, discarding “imperfect” people on a whim before the world changed are regretting it now, when they don’t have someone they can count on. 


If your kids are ungrateful little brats, either because you didn’t raise them well, or were too busy chasing your version of “success” to notice, its just gotten real. Now you’ve got two more hats: Entertainment Director and Teacher. How do you like it? It’s not fun when they’re disrespectful, is it? Now you understand what the teacher was referring to. Maybe now you’ll have more sympathy for the ones who have to deal with your kids, or you could always start doing your job as a parent. Every day’s a new day! 


Let’s face it – life gets busy, and maintaining a friendship is work. You talk about the need to “catch up”, but the next thing you know, a year has gone by and you still have not gotten together with that friend for a cup of coffee. (Especially this year. What’s even open?) Sometimes you literally have to put it down in your calendar, or it doesn’t happen. 

If you’ve not bothered to cultivate any new friendships or nurture the ones you already have, you’re in trouble in times like these. Many people I know are depressed, and a lack of social life is partly to blame. Sometimes you just need someone other than your spouse to talk to, or whine to, even over the phone. 

On the other hand, times like these make you re-evaluate who is worth your time. Some friendships are just draining. Admit it – you’re tired of providing free counseling services, or only be someone to dump on. You can’t get them on the phone when you could use some encouragement, but they expect you to be available for drive-in drama 24/7. Only you can decide if that friendship is a two-way street, or if you’re just being used. Now might be a good time to cut the cord, gently. You have a built-in excuse. 

Physical health: 

If you never get off the couch, the chickens are really coming home to roost this year. I’m not a doctor, but from what we all hear and read, having preexisting conditions is a big factor in Covid survival. Sometimes you’ve inherited things that aren’t your fault, but more often, your own neglect of your health is the major factor. 

I’m not judging – I have the palate of an eight year-old. I totally understand. I get paid to read and talk. I could sit on my butt all day, and I’d have an excuse. And I rarely sleep well. Getting up at 2 AM for 20 years doesn’t look good on the actuary tables. Just sayin’. (I’ve checked) Lack of restful, restorative sleep and too much sugar will catch up with me eventually, (maybe in the next pandemic). In the meantime, at least I walk about an hour every day. I’m sure that helped when I got Covid. 

Neglecting your health is a huge factor in life generally, and will catch up with you sooner or later. If Covid didn’t get you this time, something that comes around next time might. We’re all gonna die, but how about feeling better while you’re here? Stop smoking, don’t drink too much, no street drugs, (even legal ones), get off the couch, and even if you’re stuck indoors most of the time, you’ll feel better. 

Financial health: 

If you’re in financial straits because you’ve been living beyond your means, or even within your means at the moment, with no reserve, you’re in trouble now. Over extended, over leveraged, credit cards maxed out, huge car note, no savings…this is all coming home to roost now, and it’s not pretty. We’ve all heard experts say that you should have 3-6 months’ living expenses saved, but sadly most people don’t. If you did, you’d be in fairly good shape now, or at least not panicked. There will be foreclosures, evictions, repossessions. They’ve already started. A lesson for the future when things get back to anything resembling “normal”. 

Spiritual health: 

Frankly this should be Number One, because if you wait until a crisis to look for God, you’ll find Him, but wouldn’t it have been better if you’d had the spiritual muscle ahead of time? God is doing something with this situation, pruning us in some way, hopefully making us appreciate what really matters, and discarding the rest. I completely believe that, and although my husband and I have also been affected by this virus, physically and financially, we know that God’s still on the throne. He won’t let us go hungry. 

Although God is always patient with us, waiting until the balloon goes up is not the best time to get serious about Him. You need that strength, lack of fear, and solid belief to get your through things like this. A church family can also be a huge help in tough times. 

Some people may have to redefine what constitutes a “need” versus a “want” at this time, but I promise, God will not let you go hungry. That doesn’t mean you won’t lose your car with that $800 monthly payment, or maybe even have to move, but you won’t starve, I promise. You might have to cut back, give up cable and the silly luxuries that many in the world can only dream about, but you’ll survive. Resilient people always find a way. Have you noticed that? 

Anyone who honestly believed politicians held the solution to anything surely knows better by now, right? They do what’s best for THEM, politically. Period. Most politicians have no leadership skills, and no ability to make decisions. They’re politicians, not problem solvers. If you haven’t paid much attention to these clowns before this crisis, hopeful you are doing so now. When the rubber meets the road we start to realize how useless some of these people really are. 

God always has the answers. He can be trusted to never leave you. Politicians will forget your name until the next election. 

Bottom line: Don’t neglect the most important areas of your life. Make the effort to maintain your marriage, family, friendships, health, and most importantly you spiritual life, and you’ll weather the storms of life much better. 

Heidi Harris


The post my mother told me not to write: ”Don’t piss off PR people…!” 

It’s election time, and as you can imagine, my email, which is aways full of guest pitches, is especially busy now. I know everyone is shorthanded these days and desperately paddling to keep their heads above water. 

Emails are time sucks, and take up an inordinate amount of everyone’s time, don’t they? I actually know an executive who used to receive 500 emails a day, and had three people assigned to do nothing other than sort through them. 

Fortunately my show is not guest-dependent, so I can be selective, but I really do like having really interesting people on. I evaluate them on a case-by-case basis. 

Here are some things that drive me crazy about guest pitches/PR people. 

  • I currently have no producer/booker/help of any kind at the moment, which is not your problem, I realize, but because of it, things are likely to fall through the cracks. You have to make it simple. I don’t live on my phone. I strive for balance in my life. I simply have to decompress for my own mental health. I cannot and will not check my emails every few minutes, 15 hours a day, to see if you finally got back to me. 


  • If I do respond to your pitch, please don’t ask me what time my show airs. I know I’m on some mailing list and you may not know me personally, but the showtimes are included in my email signature. If your client can never do those times because he’s in surgery or a late sleeper, or for whatever reason, occasionally I will record an interview later in the day, for something really good, but that interferes with my nap, and I get extra cranky. 


  • If I have to go back and forth with you 20 times for a guest whose last name isn’t TRUMP, I’m out. The White House books guests with me all the time, which requires no more than four emails back and forth, MAX. That’s how those people got to that level. They’re efficient. 


  • I have a lot of balls in the air, and a short attention span. I discuss an average of 60 topics a week. If we drag this on for a week or more, I will forget what your guest even wants to talk about, and probably lose interest. 


  • In fairness, I’ve never been on that end of things, but it seems to me that you should know what your guest has available, so that if I give you a specific time, you can say yay or nay, right then. When I did have a guest booker, he knew which slots I had available before agreeing to book a guest.

I know some clients can be difficult and not get back to you about times and then blame YOU for not getting them booked. Especially ones with big egos. I feel your pain.

I’m just telling you what other hosts won’t. They’ll just ignore your emails and you’ll never know why. Then your clients won’t use you anymore because you can’t get them booked on decent shows. Even if it’s not your fault.

Heidi Harris

Sisolak’s “Mitigation” plan is worse than you think, and as vague as you’d expect.

Well, our illustrious Governor Sisolak has done it again. He’s drafted a “Long Term Mitigation Plan” that is vague to say the least. He’s offered no date or specific guidelines for bars and other affected businesses to open, and no date for churches to return to normal, although that is still in the courts. 

Here’s the kicker, straight from his “Road to Recovery” Returning to Normal”:

Instead of “Phases”, he has created “Mitigation Levels” to punish people. 

But get this. The “Metrics” he and his clown show “task force” will be looking at the following data:

1. Hospital Capacity

2. Access to Personal Protective Equipment

3. Testing Capacity

4. Case Investigation and Contact Tracing

5. Protection of Vulnerable Populations

6. Enforcement

As our Governor, he is RESPONSIBLE for EVERY one of those “metrics” except #1. He can’t be held responsible for how many people wind up in hospitals. No one can. Patients may have underlying conditions, wait to long to go to the hospital, etc. But it’s sure as hell not the fault of BAR OWNERS. 

Every OTHER metric is under his authority. He is the HEAD of our state. Everything that goes wrong is his fault. Hell, they blame Trump for everything that happens in America.

You wanted the job, Sisolak – now DO it. The bucks stops with him. The shit runs downhill, as they say.

In “Mitigation Level 2, “State licenses may be removed for targeted businesses if outbreaks at those locations cannot be controlled”. “Targeted”. Uh huh. 

First of all, NO business owner will allow a “uncontrolled outbreak” to occur at his or her businesss, and second, how the hell can you PROVE where you got something??

These are the details our largely fawning members of the press (who are still getting paychecks) are ignoring. Just thought I’d share them with you.

I read these things so you don’t have to. He’s hoping you don’t. 

Heidi Harris 
