Headlines With Heidi! Stabbing attack on the Vegas Strip in broad daylight!!

Video HERE.

This crazed stabbing attack in Vegas was tragic. Middle of the morning!! Broad daylight! On one of the nicer corners of the Strip!

One of the victims is being described as a “Vegas showgirl” by national media, which is good for clicks, but not accurate. She was not an actual showgirl like we used to have in the shows. She was a young lady who was a teacher, who dressed as a showgirl, posing for pics with tourists for money. It’s my understanding that her friend and fellow “showgirl” was severely injured to trying to save her life.

Another innocent man, 47, was also stabbed to death, along with 6 others who are still in the hospital.

This was terrible, and it should not be happening! We need to not make this political, as our lousy Democrat Governor will undoubtedly do, but have some type of summit with the County Commission, the Governor, and Motor police on this, and come to an agreement about derelicts and what we are going to do about them on the Vegas Strip. Or we won’t have a tourist economy anymore.

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: Headlines with Heidi

Headlines with Heidi! A Judge says polyamorous couples should have legal rights!

Video HERE. A NY judge says polyamorous relationships should be legally recognized. “The time has arrived” she said and she also said that the problem with same-sex marriage rulings is that “they recognize only two-person relationships”. Really? No surprise to me.

Here’s my interview with Katy Faust, Author of “Them Before Us” http://heidiharris.com/heidi-harris-show-podcast-321-childrens-needs-come-parents-desires-guest-us-founder-katy-faust/

I warned you about this when gay marriage became legal. If marriage doesn’t mean ONE thing, it can mean ANYthing. If it’s all about “who you love”, why NOT make marriage to three or four people legal? Why NOT have Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday…What a boon for Family Law lawyers. I promise you this will be brought before the Supreme Court sooner than you think.

Also, NO, I didn’t watch the Sisolak/Lombardo debate. I already know who I’m voting for and so should you. We cannot have four more years of Herr Sisolak, especially when the economy is crashing all around us. Look at how much damage he did last time, when the Federal money was pouring in?

And a military student who has tested positive for HIV has now WON his right to continue his military career. Can you imagine, in the trenches of WWI, if they’d had to keep track of prescriptions for all these “medical issues” our troops have to deal with now?

Links: https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2022/october/a-green-light-for-polygamy-ny-judge-rules-the-time-has-arrived



Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: Headlines with Heidi


Headlines with Heidi! 20 year-old healthy nursing student dies ONE DAY after getting the coerced jab

Video HERE. A 20 year-old nurse was told she had to get the jab, (for a “pandemic” that’s OVER), so she could take her final nursing exams. She did, and one day later she DIED. I’m not posting her name because it would only cause the family more pain.

It’s terrible that you can spend years of your life getting an education, skills, degrees, etc, only to have someone tell you that you have to do just ONE MORE THING and then you can achieve that goal. Of course, that “one more thing” might take your life, but hey, it’s worth the risk, right?

I’m trying not to be so furious all the time about this situation. This “vaccine” is the biggest lie perpetrated on mankind in my lifetime. I’m heartbroken about what I’m seeing, but I have to give it to God. None of this is news to Him.

Also in this edition of Headlines With Heidi, if “Love is Love” is the standard, why CAN’T kids have sex with anyone they choose? “Kids have a right to have sex with anyone they choose…” The Spanish Minister of Equality said recently in Parliament! In public! They don’t even try to hide it anymore.

And two Las Vegas City Councilwomen had a middle school playground fight, with hair pulling and all, (so an investigator says). WE, the peasants haven’t seen the video. I’d like to, just for laughs.

And Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak is already talking about “rent control” in the next legislative session if (God forbid) he gets re-elected. You were warned!

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: Headlines with Heidi

Headlines with Heidi! What happens when police officers fail psych exams?

Lt. Randy Sutton, who spent 34 years as a police officer, joined me to talk about the recent case of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office moving 47 officers to desk jobs because they failed their psych exams. Video HERE.

We discussed the larger issue of police officers dealing with trauma, and what happens to officers injured on the job when their departments turn on them.

Randy hosts the “The Voice of American Law Enforcement” podcast, and is the founder of TheWoundedBlue.org, created to help injured police officers.

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: Headlines with Heidi

Headlines with Heidi! Vegas Councilwoman sues another for assault! Pass the popcorn!

Las Vegas Councilwoman Victoria Seaman is suing Councilwoman Michele Fiore for assault, and is accusing the city of covering things up. Pass the popcorn! And CCSD is enjoying their new “rules” that allow people to get better grades. Grades they really don’t earn. Where was that when I was in school in Vegas??

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: Headlines with Heidi


Headlines with Heidi! Councilwoman uncovers “appalling” conditions at the Animal Foundation!

Video HERE. Las Vegas City Councilwoman Victoria Seaman recently visited The Animal Foundation unannounced and found “appalling conditions”. She’s been concerned for a long time about what’s happening there, and hearing terrible stories from current and former employees. I worked there over 20 years ago, and it was horrible THEN!

I admit the shelter business is a tough one, and I cried EVERY DAY as I was leaving, because I couldn’t save them all. It’s not the fault of the employees that so many animals are dumped on their doorstep, but conditions once the animals ARRIVE are within their control. That’s why they get funding. Animals are suffering from incompetence and neglect at the Animal Foundation, and it must be fixed!

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: Headlines with Heidi

Headlines with Heidi! “The polling professor” joined me with 2022 predictions!

Zac Moyle, thepollingprofessor.com, has been a Republican pollster for decades. He joined me to talk about the Nevada Governors’ race, the effectiveness of Governor Sisolak’s attempt to reinvent himself, what he predicts will happen in the Federal races, and what voters really care about right now. Watch HERE.

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: Headlines with Heidi

Headlines with Heidi! Don’t let them divide us over SHOTS!

Video HERE.

I recently discovered that a longtime friend had “unfriended” me on Facebook, and I believe it was related to my opinions about Covid shots.

Let’s start with this – EVERYONE has opinions about them. Strong opinions.

My opinions about the “poison dart” don’t mean that I don’t love and respect my friends, many of whom have chosen the get the Covid “vaccine”. If you have watched my videos or heard my radio show or podcasts, you know that I won’t go near it, but I still love and appreciate things about my friends that are NOT related to, or dependent on, their SHOT STATUS. There was and is something else that drew us together as friends, and that should not be destroyed through politics.

I know there’s plenty of intolerance on both sides, but we should not allow the powers that be to let this issue form a wedge between us. They are trying to destroy the fabric of society – friendships and families. They want us at each others’ throats – then we don’t notice what they’re doing behind the curtain.

#Vaccine #StopTheShot #SocialMedia

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: “HeadlinesWith Heidi!”


Headlines with Heidi! Vegas journalist murdered by disgraced politician? So police believe.

Video HERE.

Jeff German, whose Vegas journalism career spanned several decades, was murdered last week, and police have arrested a suspect – a disgraced politician whose office antics and maltreatment of others was reported by Jeff in the Review Journal, Nevada’s largest newspaper.

German uncovered all kinds of problems in the Public Administrator’s office after the employees alerted him. The accused man, Robert Telles, blamed for his loss in the primary and was quite vocal on social media.

He couldn’t just admit he’d been jerk and change his life – he had to blame his problems on a reporter. Now who’s the idiot? Police believe Robert Telles stabbed Jeff German to death in his yard and he’s been arrested/currently held without bail.

Here are some more details on the case: https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/investigators-sources-dna-from-under-las-vegas-journalists-fingernails-led-to-elected-official-arrested-for-murder/

Here’s a link to Jeff’s reporting: https://www.reviewjournal.com/investigations/jeff-germans-investigative-work-related-to-robert-telles-2636206/


Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: “Headlines With Heidi!”

Headlines With Heidi! NV Question 1 is a disaster! Beware of what some call “equality”!

My guest, Janine Hansen of Nevada Families for Freedom, (watch HERE) joined me to discuss how dangerous Question 1 will be if it’s enacted by Nevada voters in November. It’s not about “equality” – it never is.

Looks innocuous enough, but it isn’t:

“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by this State or any of its political subdivisions on account of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, ancestry or national origin.”

The worst part is grant some Nevada REPUBLICAN legislators voted for it, and some have now expressed their regret. Too late, you RINO’s – read the frigging bills you vote on. LISTEN when people warn you about the ramifications!

More info at: NevadaFamilies.org

Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 PM 97.1 FM Talk St. Louis
Podcast: Heidi Harris Show
Twitter: @HeidiHarrisShow
GETTR: @HeidiHarris
Rumble: “Headlines WIth Heidi”